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About Me

Found 1 result

  1. Zaiproty Complete Property management software streamlines the day-to-day operations of property owners and managers. With features like online rent payments, maintenance requests, and lease tracking, this software makes it easy to manage multiple properties from one centralized platform. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to increased efficiency and profitability with our property management software. The website has three different panels – Owner, Maintainer, and Tenant. We’ll get to the details of every panel in this documentation. So let’s start with our awesome script. Check Our Demo – https://zaiproperty.zainikthemes.com/login/ Property Owner/Admin Email: owner@gmail.com Password: 123456 Tenant Email: tenant@gmail.com Password: 123456 Maintainer Email: maintainer@gmail.com Password: 123456 [Hidden Content]
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