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About Me

Found 1 result

  1. Xtreaming is a powerful, flexible and User friendly Movie and TV Series Steaming CMS Pro with advance video contents management system Admin Login Overview Email : admin@admin.com Pass : adminFor more information you can contact Help & Support https://t.me/codelugv2 Features Easy Installation : Install Wovie easily with no coding or developer in a few steps with our easy to use installer and documentation Source Code : We don’t encrypt or hide our code. You have the freedom to integrate and change our code to make it fit your needs. Ads Manager : Paste ad codes into integrated ad slots in admin panel and will be displayed automatically. Multi Languages : You can translate Wovie to any language by editing only one file. SEO Friendly : SEO friendly links, and HTML code that Google will love ❤️ Social Sharing : Drive Traffic to Your Website Through Social Media Community : Keep members interacting with each other with Comments and Discussions High Performance : The system that meets 100% of Google Lighthouse requests Player : Mp4, TS,m3e8 video format support. Requirements PHP 7+ support Apache 2 with mod_rewrite enabled MySql PDO PHP Extension Enabled cURL Module GD Library PHP Intl Exif [Hidden Content]
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